आपण स्टॉक मार्केट चे कोर्सेस ४ टप्प्यात उपलब्ध करून देत आहोत
यामध्ये आपण Level 1 + Level 2 +Level 3+ Level 4 शिकवणार आहोत.
यामध्ये आपण advance option stratagies शिकवणार आहोत.
यामध्ये आपण Level 1 to 4 + Outdoor Batch उपलब्ध करून देणार आहोत.
Meet Mr. Akshay Bhise a Professional trader and mentor in the financial markets.
He emphasizes values like patience, discipline, courage, and compassion in his training programs, focusing on the importance of the right investing mindset. With 15 years of teaching and training experience, he's cultivated a culture of unity and support among his 36,000+ students in India and overseas.
rawing from his expertise and knowledge he guides individuals on navigating financial markets strategically.
In Akshay, you'll find a trusted and seasoned guide who can navigate the complexities of the stock market with precision and expertise, making them an invaluable asset to anyone seeking to thrive in the world of investments.